MERITON Hotel, 23.10.2019

Martens Centre seminar in Bled

17-18.05.2018 in Bled

Mõttevahetuses osalevad EP saadik Tunne KELAM, rahvusvahelise Kaitseuuringute Keskuse teadur Kalev STOICESCU ja USA Saksamaa Marshall Fondi teadur Nicolas BOUCHET.

Vestlust juhib Postimehe välistoimetuse juht Evelin KALDOJA.

Sündmusel on kavas neli pooleteisttunnist paralleelselt kulgevat paneeldiskussiooni, mis keskenduvad paremmõtte arengule Euroopas ja liikmesriikides.

Brüsselis 24.04.2017

1941. aasta 22. juuni hommikul sai rahulikku und maganud Nõukogude Liidust hitlerliku Saksamaa reetliku kallaletungi süütu ohver.

Pool sajandit oli Saksa natside ja Nõukogude kommunistide vahelise sõja puhkemise asjaolude säärane tõlgendus ainuvõimalik, ja seda mitte ainult NSV Liidus, vaid ka Lääne pahempoolsete intellektuaalide hulgas.

Esimesena murdis valetamise ja vaikimise vandenõu Viktor Suvorov, kes oma raamatutes („Jäälõhkuja“, „M-päev“, „Viimane vabariik“) pakkus sündmusest hoopis teistsuguse nägemuse.

Tallinn 14.05.2016

Short DocFilms and discussions

Tallinn 12.09.2019 in Kino Artis

Chairman of the Pro Patria Institute Trivimi Velliste and the executive director Kaja Villem participated in the Martens Centre and Toivo Think Tank seminar “Scotch on the rocks” in Edinburgh 9-11.11.2017

Seminar aimed to better understand the position of Scotland in the UK and EU, the pressure of Brexit and the challenges of increasing separatism in Europe – with parallel growing need for integration in a number of policy areas. How will Britain position itself in the future?

09-11.09.2017 Edinburgh


Kaja Villem participated in the Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies (WMCES) Annual Member Foundations Cooperation and Planning Seminar THINK IN 2017 Europe’s Pressure Points in Malaga from 1-3 June. The discussions concentrated on the EU defence policy, reforms of the EU welfare systems, immigration and asylum policies and transatlantic relations under President Trump?

Malaga 1-3.06.2017

Chairman of the Pro Patria Institute Trivimi Velliste and executive director Kaja Villem participated in the international seminar – NO MORE MR. NICE GUY, which took place from 25-27 September in Helsinki and St Petersburg. The seminar focused on Russia - from a Strategic Partner to a Tragic Threat and targeted to politicians, experts, journalists, and diplomats.


Particular attention was paid to the likelihood of Sweden and Finland joining the NATO and to the factors either enhancing or hampering the decision. It was realised if Sweden alone entered the defence alliance, the level of security of the Baltic States would increase dramatically. The possibility of militarily defending Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania would in that case be improved crucially. Trivimi Velliste claimed, Sweden entereing the alliance would mean increasing the deterrence to the extent the potential adversary would lose interest in taking chances. This, in its turn, would radically contribute to the prospect of continued peace.


T. Velliste also compared, from the perspective of the Moscow Kremlin, the Baltic States on the one hand and Ukraine on the other. He highlighted the differences of the two from the point of view of historical identities.


Event was arranged by Wilfried Martens Centre and Toivo Think Tank

Helsingi, St Peterburg   25-25.10.2016

22. aprillil 2015 andis Pro Patria Koolituskeskuse koostööpartner Wilfried Martensi nimeline Euroopa Uuringute Keskus (WMCES) Brüsselis üle auhinna 2014. aasta parima koostööprojekti eest. Võitjaks osutus Pro Patria Koolituskeksus projektiga "Põranda all" / "Share your world".

Pro Patria tänab kõiki toetajaid ja patnereid, sh fimi tootjat Baltic Film Productionit, Eesti Filmi Sihtasutust, Haridus- ja Teadusministeeriumit, Konrad Adenaueri Fondi, Sihtasutust Unitas, MTÜd Hirvepark, ning muidugi Wilfried Martensi nimelist Euroopa Uuringute Keskust.

Brüssel  23.04.2015

MTÜ Pro Patria Instituut

Kivisilla 4-9, Tallinn 10145


Tel. +372 53458901


Arveldusarve number:
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